The Azores Bravos Trail started in 2020, amidst the pandemic crisis and a world enveloped in uncertainties. This did not prevent athletes and organizers from discovering the success of the trails and beauties of Terceira Island, in the middle of the Atlantic, with Mata da Serreta serving as the finish line for a challenging event, featuring lots of mud, fog, uphill and downhill sections, rocks, and traps. In short, everything that stimulates the senses of Trail Runners.

Em 2021, the route repeated itself, but now with a clear awareness that there was a diamond to be polished. Trail Running had arrived at the Lilac Island to stay. The 160 athletes from the inaugural edition increased to 230. The accumulated experience promised growth and changes, which would happen in the following year.

In 2022, the Azores Bravos Trail started connecting the two Terceira Island cities, Praia da Vitória and Angra do Heroísmo, the former liberal capital, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, whose historical center was crossed by the athletes to finish the four races at Relvão, alongside the Fortaleza de São Sebastião, with eyes on the bay of Descobertas. A clear mix of novelties and glorious past, as intended to be the emotions of each athlete after completing and celebrating another edition of the race. And there were more than 300.

In 2023, the challenge of 100kms, and a "flood" of more than 500 athletes, marked the event, in a fully ascending course and already counting towards the main national competitions. Beyond the usual activity of this kind of event, the Azores Bravos Trail stands out for the joyful final gathering, leaving a lasting impression on those who compete in the race... and immediately giving them reasons to come back. In the most festive of misty islands, the celebration happens while running and smiling. With our people inviting you for another "ride"!

See you in October!

Miguel Sousa Azevedo


Copyright © 2023 - AzBT - Azores Bravos Trail - Associação de Atletismo da Ilha Terceira
